
The purpose of this policy is to establish guidelines for the posting and removal of user-provided information (“Content”) on 云顶集团 (CMA) internet resources, 其中包括, 但并不局限于网站, 留言板, 博客和社交网站.

此策略适用于CMA站点的所有用户, 包括员工, 咨询顾问, 承包商, 管理员和第三方(统称), “用户”). It is CMA’s expectation that the policy requirements included in this document shall be implemented on both internally and externally facing CMA sites to ensure appropriate use of such sites. 仅面向CMA员工使用的CMA内部站点, 其他政策可能会补充或取代此政策.

CMA shall monitor CMA sites for unacceptable Content as described in this policy or as otherwise determined by CMA (“不可接受的内容”). CMA shall be the sole authority in determining whether Content is acceptable for posting or not. The following policy guidelines shall constitute guidelines in making determinations on whether to remove any Content from CMA sites.

诽谤的内容. A 诽谤 statement is a 假 statement concerning a third-party that is communicated or published to a third-party and harms the party about which the 假 statement was made. 换句话说, if person A posts a 假 statement about person B on a CMA Site and that statement harms Person B, 甲可能对乙的诽谤负责. 在CMA网站上禁止诽谤内容.

侵犯知识产权. Intellectual property infringement relates to material owned by a third-party that is subject to trademark, 版权是受保护的商业秘密.

Trademarks indicate a source of goods or services, and can be protected by U.S. 联邦或州法律. Trademark use in any Content posting is prohibited without the express permission of the trademark owner. Additionally, 商标 shall not be used in user account names or other user identifiers. CMA reserves the right to 删除 any such accounts and require new account names without a trademark.

U.S. 版权保护原创作品,包括文学作品, 戏剧性的, 音乐的。, 技术(软件), 还有其他作品. 包含受版权保护的材料的内容, 无论是否在联邦注册, 仅供版权所有人使用. 禁止在内容中使用任何其他受版权保护的材料.

商业秘密. Information kept secret by an individual or organization to create a competitive advantage or maintain the value represented by such information may comprise trade secrets and can be protected by state and federal law. Content containing trade secret information is prohibited from posting by any user not authorized by the trade secret holder.

Users shall not post personally identifiable information or information that would violate another's right to 隐私 or right of publicity.

不准确,虚假或其他不可接受的内容. In addition to 诽谤 Content or Content that may infringe intellectual property rights, CMA将删除任何发现不准确的内容, 假, 或以其他方式不能在CMA网站上发布.

CMA shall internally and externally provide contact information and the means by which any individual, 是否为用户, 可以向CMA报告不可接受的内容吗. 一旦发现任何不可接受的内容, CMA应采取措施进行审查和, 如果合适的话, 及时从CMA网站上删除此类不可接受的内容. The only option available to CMA in dealing with 不可接受的内容 is to remove such Content in its entirety. 在任何情况下,CMA都不得修改或以其他方式编辑内容. 在可能的情况下, CMA shall provide the User responsible for such posting notice of the removal and the reason for such removal.

CMA is pleased to provide you this means through which you can share information and collaborate with others. 然而, 张贴该等资料(“内容”), 您同意遵守以下要求, or risk having your Content removed without advance notice by CMA and your user account 删除d or rights restricted. 根据现有的CMA政策, CMA employees failing to follow these policies risk disciplinary action, 直至并包括终止.

  • 不可毁谤人, 诽谤, 骚扰或辱骂言论, 包括“跟踪”其他用户.

  • You shall not post Content comprising personal attacks or threats against other users or individuals.

  • 您不应提交个人身份信息, 未经他人同意的他人的图像或其他肖像.

  • You shall not post Content that comprises attacks on individuals or groups based on race, 性别, 性, 种族, 宗教信仰, 或者其他分类.

  • 您不得发布淫秽、粗俗或露骨的内容. 这种禁止包括使用缩写, 星号, 或者其他速记来表达这种淫秽, 粗俗的或露骨的内容.

  • You agree that use of CMA sites is strictly for CMA’s stated purposes and not for commercial product promotions, 垃圾邮件的传播, 连锁信, 传销, 或欺诈性或欺骗性信息.

  • You shall not post information affiliated with or promoting political campaigns.

  • You shall not post material which could result in the infringement of any third party intellectual property, 隐私, 或者宣传权.

  • You represent and warrant that you own or otherwise have all necessary rights, 包括但不限于, 商标及版权, 您提交给CMA网站的所有内容, 而且你已经征得了所有第三方的同意, 许可证, 提交该等内容所需的豁免和许可.

  • You represent and warrant that the Content submitted by you will not infringe upon or misappropriate any rights of others, 包括, 但不限于, 任何版权, 商标, 商业秘密或其他知识产权, 宣传权, 隐私权, 第三方的精神权利或任何其他专有权利, 或违反任何适用法律, 法令, 条例或规例.


CMA reserves the right to review any Content that you have submitted to CMA sites, 并拒绝, 删除, 禁用, 或删除CMA确定的任何内容, 自行决定, (a)不遵守本政策, (b)违反任何法律, 侵犯第三方的任何权利, 或使CMA因任何原因承担责任, (c)可能对CMA的公众形象产生不利影响, 声誉或商誉, 或(d)因任何其他原因应被删除.

If you believe that any Content on any CMA site infringes upon any copyright, 商标, 或者你拥有的商业机密, 请联络CMA,地址如下:都柏林路1390号. 43215年哥伦布.
CMA shall have the final decision on whether any Content is acceptable and whether to remove any such Content.

用户确认与同意. 在获得发布任何内容的能力之前, Users shall be required to acknowledge and consent to the policy included in Section 3 (External 使用条款 Statement) and agree to comply with all applicable laws.

与其他政策和协议的关系. 在适用情况下, this policy shall be accessible and linked to other policies pertaining to the online environment and use of CMA Sites, 包括, 但不限于:

  • 隐私政策

  • 使用条款

  • 对第三方网站的政策

  • 合规

Non-Compliance: Violations of this policy may lead to the suspension or revocation of system privileges and/or disciplinary action 直至并包括终止 of employment. The CMA reserves the right to advise appropriate authorities of any violation of law.

Exceptions: Any exception to this policy must be approved by Insert Applicable Department.
Compliance Measurement: Insert Applicable Department will verify compliance to this policy through various methods, 包括, 例如, 业务工具报告和审计.